It takes following items into consideration, global variable, local variable, stack, furthermore, by the concept of granularity division, it divides function into instruction blocks. 在研究对象划分策略时,不仅考虑了全局变量、局部变量、栈等前人已经关注的因素,更通过粒度划分,将函数划分为指令块。
The global optimizing algorithms, such as genetic algorithm and simulated annealing could not be used to optimize stack filters if random positive Boolean function is unavailable. 在应用全局化优化算法,如遗传算法、模拟退火算法时,如果不能随机生成正布尔函数,则无法应用这些算法优化层叠滤波器。
In this paper, an algorithm is presented for randomly generating positive Boolean function ( PBF). It generates PBF randomly, so it makes using global optimizing algorithm to optimize stack filters possible. 提出了一种随机生成正布尔函数算法,能随机生成正布尔函数,使应用全局化优化算法优化层叠滤波器成为可能。